Golf News

PGA Tour to Approve Legal Betting

In somewhat surprising news, the PGA Tour has looked into providing a betting app for fans as a way to legally put money up on it’s players according to Kiley Bense at

“You may one day be able to bet on the PGA Tour — with the Tour’s blessing.

According to Bloomberg, the PGA Tour has submitted a “request for proposal” to several data companies, asking them to bid on the ability to package information from tournaments for the purpose of sharing it with gambling houses.”

This would allow gamblers to bet constantly on the event rather than a one time bet before the tournament starts. This would be pretty cool to have because it can give you an opportunity to win back money instantly that you may have lost on the previous hole.

“There is a lot of money to be had, which explains the Tour’s interest: Bloomberg reports that betting on golf already generates $2.8 billion in just one year.

PGA Tour spokesman Ty Votaw said that the Tour was “far away” from any deal.”

It looks as if it won’t be happening any time soon, but it is something to keep an eye on.

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